Saints of India

The First Story

Once, a young seeker named Arjun visited Shri Aurobindo’s ashram in Pondicherry, seeking spiritual guidance. Arjun was troubled by his thoughts and emotions, feeling lost and disconnected from the world.

Shri Aurobindo welcomed Arjun warmly and asked him to sit silently for a while. As they sat together, Arjun felt a profound peace settle over him, as if the very presence of Shri Aurobindo was calming his mind.

After some time, Shri Aurobindo spoke: “Arjun, your mind is like a restless ocean, waves crashing against the shore. But beneath the surface, there is a deep calm, a stillness that is your true nature.”

Arjun listened intently as Shri Aurobindo continued: “To find this calm, you must dive deep within yourself, beyond the thoughts and emotions that trouble you. You will discover the divine spark guiding you towards your true purpose there.”

Inspired by Shri Aurobindo’s words, Arjun dedicated himself to meditation and self-reflection. Slowly but surely, he began to experience the calm and clarity that Shri Aurobindo had described.

As Arjun prepared to leave the ashram, Shri Aurobindo touched his shoulder gently: “Remember, Arjun, the divine is within you, guiding you always. Trust in yourself, and you will find your way.”

Arjun left the ashram with a newfound sense of purpose and peace, forever changed by the wisdom and compassion of Shri Aurobindo.

Another story

One day, a young disciple named Ajay came to Shri Aurobindo’s ashram, seeking spiritual guidance. Ajay was struggling with intense anger and frustration, which was affecting his relationships and overall well-being.

Shri Aurobindo listened patiently as Ajay shared his struggles. Then, he offered a simple yet profound advice:

“Ajay, whenever you feel anger rising within you, take a few deep breaths and repeat the mantra ‘Om Shanti’ (Peace). As you inhale, imagine fresh, calming energy entering your being. As you exhale, imagine the anger and frustration leaving your body.”

Ajay was skeptical but willing to try. He practiced the mantra regularly, and to his surprise, he began to notice a significant reduction in his anger and frustration.

Months later, Ajay returned to the ashram, beaming with gratitude. “Shri Aurobindo, your mantra has transformed my life! I feel more peaceful and in control.”

Shri Aurobindo smiled and said, “Ajay, the mantra was just a tool. The real transformation came from within you. You allowed yourself to let go of the anger and embrace peace.”

Ajay realized that Shri Aurobindo’s guidance had helped him tap into his inner strength and wisdom. He left the ashram with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face life’s challenges with greater calm and clarity.

This story illustrates Shri Aurobindo’s emphasis on inner transformation and the power of simple, yet effective spiritual practices.

The conclusion

Arjun, the young seeker who had found peace and calm under Shri Aurobindo’s guidance (from the first story), was now a confident and compassionate individual. He had been practicing the teachings of Shri Aurobindo and had become a mentor to others on the spiritual path.

One day, Ajay, the young disciple who had overcome anger and frustration (from the second story), came to Arjun seeking further guidance. Ajay was now facing a new challenge: he was struggling to find his purpose in life.

Arjun listened attentively and shared his own story of transformation under Shri Aurobindo’s guidance. He then said, “Ajay, my friend, I sense that you are at a crossroads. You have overcome anger, but now you must discover your true purpose.”

Arjun took Ajay to meet Shri Aurobindo, who was now frail but still radiant with spiritual energy. Shri Aurobindo looked at Ajay with piercing eyes and said, “Ajay, your purpose is not something to be found outside; it is already within you. You must listen to your heart and trust the divine guidance.”

Ajay left the ashram with a newfound sense of direction and purpose. He realized that his journey was not just about overcoming challenges but about embracing his true potential.

Arjun and Ajay remained close friends and continued to support each other on their spiritual journeys, always remembering the wisdom and guidance of Shri Aurobindo.